Save Time & Money on Every Shipment

Real Time Freight Sourcing And Collaboration Platform Book a Demo
SuperProcure is a SaaS platform that digitizes the entire freight sourcing and dispatch monitoring system of the logistics department of an organization. It allows your logistics department to find the best possible rates through a transparent bidding and auction structure, thus saving costs.
The unified platform offers full and real-time visibility to all events across the entire dispatch cycle, from indenting to delivery, via alerts, dashboards and reports, which improves collaboration and a control tower for on the spot decision making
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Spend Wiser With Superprocure
Make your Freight Sourcing Process faster, more efficient and transparent, thus saving costs
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Improve Business Agility
Common Platform with insightful dashboards allows real time decision making and collaboration, thus enhancing speed of response
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Get up to 21% ROI on your investments
Improve Customer Retention, reduce sales time in coordination between dispatch and delivery and get detailed real time insights to take on the spot decisions
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Freight Sourcing and Reverse Auctions
Find, negotiate and rapidly source freight providers through a transparent and collaborative bidding process
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Digital Locker
Paperless access to all dispatch related documents with access based rules.
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Dashboards and Analytics
Get real time visibility on vendor performance, delivery, dispatch details to maintain full control and take on the spot decisions
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Unified and Integrated Platform
Ensures zero errors in documentations billings, payments, waybills etc.
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In Plant Vehicle Movement and Optimization
Truck reporting and dispatch management, load scheduling and plant optimization.
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Realtime Communication & Collaboration
Voice, email, text and WhatsApp support for rapid decision making.
Capabilities of SuperProcure’s Logistic ERP Software

Source Your Freight Requirements, Quickly And Get The Best Possible Rate

The right freight sourcing software is a critical component of successful strategic transportation management. Transportation procurement has become a key tool in leveraging a competitive advantage from your supply chain and is the foundation of the partnerships that define your transport supplier relationships.
Superprocure’s transparent and collaborative process for carrier interactions maximize your buying power and reduce time spent finding the best partner. Identifying the right carrier for each assignment means your business can focus on implementing a strategic approach to transport procurement and sourcing. It also lets you move away from spreadsheets to manage the sourcing process and enjoy the benefits of a solution designed for freight professionals.
Faster Vehicle Placements through faster requisitions

Superprocure e-indenting feature allows you to raise a requisition for carriers and transport service providers right from within the contract enabling real time collaboration with all stakeholders from sales to dispatch.
The tool ensures faster vehicle placement, provides full and real time visibility to all stakeholders across the various stages of the dispatch cycle thus improving efficiency
Track key events across the dispatch cycle, from indent to delivery

Inability to track the vehicle and take appropriate actions due to lack of transparency is a thing of the past due to Superprocure’s platform that reduces vehicle detention times and improves turnaround
Superprocure’s In Plant Optimization Module, allows your logistics department to track key events across the vehicle placement and dispatch cycle like truck reporting at the gates, alerts on vehicle release post loading, weighment etc and take on the spot actions if required
Digitally create all your invoices, reduce errors

As soon as you get a confirmation of delivery, SuperProcure enables you to flip the PO and create an invoice from the platform, reducing time and effort and eliminating errors.
What if you never had to approve an invoice again. All too often, “going digital” means replicating a paper-based process on a screen. Instead, it should be about fundamentally changing the way you work. And no, that doesn’t mean just using PDFs or XML files. It means taking what is seen as a cumbersome, manual part of an organization and turning it into a strategic, value generating function.
Collaborate seamlessly, with easy access to all documentations

The entire freight sourcing, vehicle dispatch and delivery process generates a whole list of documents, which if not managed, well can lead to a break down in collaboration and communication.
Superprocure’s platform has a common repository to store all your documents in a digital locker, from CNs to PODs to invoices, with rights based access thus preventing unauthorized use